PPG Guidelines
Article I. Name, Authority, Purpose, and Guidance
Article II. Organization and Administration of PPG Article III. PPG Meetings Article I. Name, Authority, Purpose, and Guidance
Section 1: Name and Origin of Group The Primary Purpose Group (PPG) of Austin, Texas is registered with the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Section 2: Authority For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our GC. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Section 3: Purpose As an AA group, our primary purpose is to carry the message of the Big Book to others, and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. Section 4: Guidance The 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and the 12 Concepts for World Service have been adopted as PPG’s guiding principles. Article II. Organization and Administration of PPG Section 1: The Group Conscience and Group Conscience Meetings The Group Conscience (GC) is composed of all self-declaring members of PPG and meets regularly in GC meetings to discuss and decide on matters affecting PPG. During these meetings, the Steering Committee (SC): (1) updates the GC, (2) addresses old business, and (3) considers new business. All PPG members are encouraged to attend and are welcome to make statements, introduce AA related topics, propose motions, and vote. FREQUENCY AND CALLING OF GROUP CONSCIENCE MEETINGS GC meetings are held on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at 8:45 P.M. Any member of PPG may call a GC meeting by providing 14 days notice of the meeting and the item to be discussed by (1) posting both on the message board and (2) making an announcement during PPG meetings. It is strongly suggested that all items of a non-emergency nature be addressed during regularly scheduled GC meetings. If the SC, by a majority vote, decides that a matter is an emergency, then it may call an emergency GC Meeting by providing at least three days notice. Section 2: Steering Committee This Section outlines the responsibilities and limits of PPG’s SC. PURPOSE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE The primary function of the SC is to carry out the wishes of PPG as expressed through its GC. MEMBERS OF STEERING COMMITTEE, TERM, AND ELECTION DATES The SC is composed of the following members: * Officers ending a one-year term may be elected to serve a second consecutive term. Terms shall be staggered so that all members’ terms do not expire at the same time.
** Elections for each position occur at GC meetings on the Tuesday when the incumbent’s term is expired or when a vacancy exists. STEERING COMMITTEE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE Any PPG member nominated for a position on the SC shall: describe specific qualifications or experience required to successfully perform in a given position, have the continuous sobriety requirements mentioned above, affirm a willingness to perform the required duties of that position for its term, and attend the GC meetings. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR STEERING COMMITTEE Any PPG member may choose to be a candidate for a position as long as that member meets the requirements for service. ELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR STEERING COMMITTEE Nominees who meet the minimum requirements for service and receive a simple majority of votes from the GC are elected to serve on the committee. In the event of a tie in the number of votes cast for nominees the chairperson may call for a second vote of the GC. If the second vote results in a tie, then a majority vote of the SC members present will decide which nominee is elected. PROCEDURE FOR AUTOMATIC REMOVAL FROM STEERING COMMITTEE Automatic removal from the SC occurs if a member relapses. A member may also be automatically removed if that member misses two consecutive GC meetings without good reason and fails to notify any other member of the committee in advance of the absence. FILLING VACANCIES The GC must fill vacancies promptly for unexpired terms from the general membership of the group. Such vacancies will be filled by majority vote of the GC members present at any scheduled GC meeting. VOTE Votes will be taken by simple majority of GC members present. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONDUCTING MEETINGS The Chairperson presides over all SC and GC meetings. In the event of the chairperson’s absence, the secretary shall conduct the meeting. If the secretary is absent, then the treasurer shall preside. If these three officers are absent, then the responsibility shall pass to the member with the longest continuous sobriety. SPECIAL PURPOSE (AD HOC) COMMITTEES The SC may assign members to complete specific projects on a short-term basis. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS SC members provide general support to the SC and the general membership of the PPG. SC members are to attend all committee and GC meetings. Any responsibilities not detailed below but deemed necessary by the group may be added by vote of the GC. Incumbent officers should provide guidance instructions and assistance to their successors at the end of their terms. GROUP CONSCIENCE CHAIRPERSON Responsibilities of the Group Conscience Chairperson include: • Presiding over all GC and SC meetings. • Organizing the agenda. • Providing notice of the time, place, and agenda for regularly scheduled SC and GC meetings at least 14 days prior to the meeting. • Coordinating activities with other group officers and with those members who assume responsibility for hospitality, coffee making, meeting format, and other vital functions. SECRETARY Responsibilities of the Secretary include: • Taking the minutes of the SC and GC meetings and providing a copy of the minutes to the committee not later than 7 days after the meeting takes place. The SC minutes shall note the date, time and place of the meeting, what business was transacted, which decisions or votes were made, and which members were present and absent. • Making copies of the guidelines available to members. • Maintaining the bulletin board at the meeting facility. • Maintaining the meeting notebook and meeting announcements. • Assumes the role of SC chairperson in the chairperson’s absence at SC or GC meetings. • Amending these guidelines. TREASURER Responsibilities of the treasurer include: • Collecting all donations and depositing them in the group’s account at the designated financial institution once per week. • Perform as primary group bank account manager. Maintain group checkbook requiring single signature and prudent reserve savings account that requires two signatures to complete transactions. Treasurer shall be the primary signatory and Meeting Chairperson shall be the secondary signatory. • Maintain two bank accounts • Checking account for operational expenses ($1000 in operating account for meeting combined with literature and babysitting balances • Savings account for prudent reserve ($4000) • Maintain a ledger of all the group’s income and expenses. • Preparing and presenting a statement of the group’s financial condition as requested by the SC and at scheduled GC meetings. The financial statement will reflect the following; income, source of income, itemized expenses, total income, total expenses and current balance. Group ledger and bank account statements shall be available at GC meetings. • PPG treasurer is responsible for purchasing all coffee and coffee bar related materials (animal crackers, pretzels, creamer, cups, etc.) • Ensuring that the bank account meets all applicable state and federal regulations. • Reimbursing members for legitimate expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. • Paying the rent to the church each month on or before the third day of the month. • Making contributions to other AA organizations such as Intergroup, district general AA service assembly, area general service assembly and GSO. Contributions to the organizations listed above are to be a percentage of the funds remaining after the group’s normal expenses have been paid and the prudent reserve has been set aside, as follows: ◦ Intergroup:40%, ◦ District:10 % ◦ Area:10% ◦ GSO: 40%. GENERAL SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE (GSR) Responsibilities of the GSR include: • Representing the group at the district and area general service assemblies. • Informing the group about general service activities in the local area. • Receiving and sharing with the group all mail from the GSO including the newsletter Box 4-5-9, which is the GSO’s primary tool for communicating with the fellowship. • Assisting the group in solving problems, especially those related to the 12 traditions. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. ALTERNATE GSR The Alternate GSR assists the GSR and attends meetings as required with and in the place of the GSR. The Alternate GSR moves to the GSR position upon completion of the GSR’s term of office. A new Alternate GSR is then nominated and elected. INTERGROUP REPRESENTATIVE Responsibilities of the Intergroup Representative include: • Participating in the business meetings of Hill Country Intergroup. • Updating the group about the services and activities of Hill Country Intergroup. • Providing PPG meeting schedule information to Hill Country Intergroup. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. ALTERNATE INTERGROUP REPRESENTATIVE The Alternate Intergroup Representative assists the Intergroup Representative and attends meetings as required with and in the place of the Intergroup Representative. The Alternate Intergroup Representative moves to the Intergroup Representative position upon completion of the Intergroup Representative’s term of office. A new Alternate Intergroup Representative is then sought and elected. LITERATURE OFFICER Responsibilities of the Literature Officer include: • Keeping literature fully stocked, including Big Books for newcomers, chips, brochures, and Hill Country Intergroup meeting schedules. • Ensuring that AA-approved books and pamphlets are available at the group meeting place. • Being familiar with the AA guidelines for literature available from the GSO literature coordinator. • Familiarizing members with the AA Grapevine, the international journal for AA. • Participating in the activities of the Hill Country area’s Grapevine committee. Providing copies of the Grapevine for members to read/purchase. • Collecting donations for purchases and forwarding the donations to the Treasurer. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. COFFEE CAPTAIN Responsibilities of the Coffee Capitan include: • Keeping refreshment supplies fully stocked, including coffee, filters, sugar, creamer, cups, stirrers, paper towels, and miscellaneous supplies. • Facilitate the making of coffee. • Cleaning the kitchen of the PPG meeting space after the meeting, taking out trash (including men’s and women’s restroom), replacing trash liners, rinsing the percolators, repacking all supplies, and storing the supplies for the next meeting. • Visually inspecting to ensure the kitchen is ready for the preschool to use the next day. It is okay to leave it cleaner than you found it. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. HOSPITALITY CZAR Responsibilities of the Hospitality Czar include: • Facilitating setup and take down of the meeting room. • Facilitating the greeting of attendees at the door. • Insuring that cigarette butts are cleaned up from in front of the building. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. WEBMASTER Responsibilities of the Webmaster include: • Ensuring all content on PPG website is up to date. • Drafting summary of previous meetings topic and posting on website. MEETING CHAIRPERSON • The meeting chairperson shall be elected by the GC for a term of one year, may serve consecutive terms, and is required to have a minimum of 5 years of consecutive sobriety. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Responsibilities of the Service Representative include: • Working as group liaison with (1) the local AA groups needing speakers; (2) Intergroup, district, or area committees involved with correctional facilities; and (3) treatment facilities. • Keeping the PPG members informed about local twelve-step activities in nearby institutions and treatment facilities and encouraging group members to participate. • Provide receipts to treasurer for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of conducting group business. Article III. PPG Meetings Section 1: Purpose The purpose of all PPG meetings is for AA members to study the Big Book so as to “share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.” Section 2: Meeting Attendance All PPG meetings are to be Open meetings and therefore available to anyone interested in the AA program of recovery from alcoholism. The establishment of any special PPG meetings defined as Closed (for AA members only) shall be approved through the regular GC meeting process. Section 3: Format PPG meetings are Big Book study meetings where a designated AA member serves as meeting chairperson and facilitates the Big Book study as outlined in the chairperson’s notebook. Meeting notebooks with instructions for conducting PPG Big Book study meetings are provided for the leader to use. PPG may establish other meeting formats with the group’s approval through the regular GC meeting process. Opening statement
May we open this meeting with a moment of silent prayer, each in their own way, followed by the Serenity Prayer? FROM THE FORWARD TO THE FIRST EDITION: We of Alcoholics Anonymous are more than one hundred men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book. For them we hope these pages will prove so convincing that no further authentication will be necessary. We think this account of our experiences will help everyone to better understand the alcoholic. Many do not comprehend that the alcoholic is a very sick person. And besides, we are sure that our way of living has its advantages for all. (introduce yourself and give your sobriety date) TURN OFF CELL PHONES, ETC. Welcome to the regular Tuesday Night Open Big Book Study Meeting of the Primary Purpose Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is an open meeting and as such all who have an interest in alcoholism and our program of recovery are welcome. Because this is an open meeting, you need not identify yourself nor your reason for being here if you do not wish to do so. Your anonymity will be protected. We ask that you protect ours. While this is an open meeting, membership in Alcoholics Anonymous and in this Group is limited to those who have a serious drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking for good. Do we have any visitors from out of town? DOES EVERYBODY HAVE A BIG BOOK? MAKE/ASK IF THERE ARE ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS Our 7th tradition states that “every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” If this is your first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, we ask that you be our guest. We are glad you are here and hope you will come back and become a part of our lives. (pass the basket) The Primary Purpose Group observes the “Chip” system and would like to recognize those who have reached certain milestones in their pursuit of sobriety. Since last Tuesday has anyone celebrated an AA annual birthday? 18 months? Is anyone celebrating 9 months, 6 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month? The most important chip we will ever possess is a “desire chip.” Taking this “chip” indicates a desire to stop drinking for good. Is there anyone here who wants to begin that journey to sobriety tonight? Some of you are looking for a Sponsor. So will everyone who has taken our Steps and has experienced a Spiritual Awakening AND has the time and willingness to work with another please stand up so those looking for guidance can see who they can entrust their lives to? If you see someone you want to help you, catch them after our Meeting. (NAME OF MEMBER) is going to conduct the “Foundation Meeting”. If you are new to AA or our Group and have not attended this meeting, we encourage you to do so. It is a great introduction to what Alcoholics Anonymous and our Group is all about - freedom from alcoholism through the application and practice of our Twelve Steps as they were given us! Before we begin our Study of the Big Book, we will review Tradition______________. (ASK A KNOWLEDGEABLE MEMBER TO READ AND COMMENT ON THE LONG AND SHORT FORM OF THE SELECTED TRADITION.) In the spirit of the 12 traditions our GC has elected to use a “Study Guide,” to help us stay focused on the study of the AA Big Book. There are one or more questions for durn near every sentence in the Basic Text. The Chairperson will read a question and then call upon a member to read the related sentence. It is OK to comment more than once in here but PLEASE stay focused on the text at hand. This is not a general discussion meeting so please keep your comments to the question being studied. If comments get too general or begin to drift off track it is the responsibility of the chairperson to redirect the discussion. If for any reason you wish to pass when the microphone comes to you then please do so. We want you to study and discuss the Big Book with us in a comfortable environment. TONIGHT WE WILL START ON PAGE_______ OF THE BIG BOOK. Closing statement (Get email addresses, mention butt cans) (Ask for volunteers to help tear down meeting room) (Check the “Announcement Folder” for announcements) (Check for Service Opportunities) “Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come if your own house is in order. But you obviously cannot transmit something you haven’t got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right and great events will come to pass for you and for countless others. This is the Great Fact for us. Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit,and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you—until then.” (Big Book page 164). Thank you for a good meeting. We have a tradition of closing with the 7th step prayer. Please join us if you care to. Section 4: Altering Meeting Formats/Routines Significant changes to the procedure of existing PPG group meetings shall be brought before the group and approved through the regular GC meeting process. Minor changes, such as assigning greeters or changing clean-up responsibilities, do not require GC approval. Section 5: Meeting Instructions The SC is responsible for providing and updating meeting format instruction notebooks that are used in the conduct of all PPG meetings. |
![]() Quick Links:
GSR Reports Group Conscience Agenda Speaker Downloads Weekly Update The above links are provided for your convenience. They can also be found on our PPG Resources page. |